Spellblade by Ezekiel Eversand- A Spell-binding #Fantasy to Rival Tolkien and Erikson

Spellblade, Book Two follows all new characters in the territories of Az’Dayne and Goldgarden, in a parallel story happening simultaneously to the characters of Kingfall, Book One. Prepare for the actions of one character to greatly affect the fate of another halfway across the realm.

The youngest daughter of Khomo’Jhuvonus, aliased as Scarless, has forgone any duties aligned with her father’s brutal machinations in the north. She navigates through her own political complications, having elevated to become the guild queen of the Stormtrees, the Goldgarden city-nation’s most notorious crime syndicate.

All the while, Symbelle, a mentally conflicted introvert with a volatile split personality, is inadvertently injected into the Oathemic Cabal. With her unique abilities from being born a hyperi, she is schemed to reunite with her long-lost past to infiltrate the Stormtrees guild as a double agent to eliminate several high-profile targets, including Scarless.

In the southern Az’Dayne Dominadom, the disgraced house of lon’Chandoss, once held in the country’s highest esteem as a bloodline of famous spellblades, comes under its own issues arising among its newest generation when the triplet sisters have all just come of age.

Valaythea has managed to captivate the attention of Izayus, the prince of Az’Dayne himself. Adyssaira, born with the potential to become a mage, is having difficulty hiding her plight in a nation that harshly condemns such prodigies. And Odysserae, both mute and near-deaf, estranged and shunned, is not without dark secrets of her own. Finally, Athaniel, the eldest, is an assassin caught amidst a great conflict of interest between protecting his family and aspired legacy, or following his organization’s unbending demands.

Lastly, Sundorion, the cosmopolitan elvan explorer seeking out his missing brother at the Chandoss estates has his life put in jeopardy when he begins to dig too deep into what mysteries lie beneath the corrupt house of power.


When I read Mr. Eversand’s first installment of The Neverborne Series, Kingfall, I said “There are fantasy writers; there are Epic Fantasy writers, and then there’s the stellar few, like Tolkien and Steven Erikson, who build an entire universe in spectacular detail just to share a side story that has little or nothing whatsoever to do with the main story, but you cannot imagine reading the story and not knowing the side story because of the skill with which it’s relayed. Mr. Eversand’s spectacular tale is right up there in the stratosphere of extraordinary storytelling alongside such masters.”

I hold to this statement. Not only is Spellblade an extraordinary continuation of the series, it surpassed my expectations. No simple sequel, this. Oh No! In fact, it isn’t a sequel at all. Spellblade is a hypnotic new story that immerses the mesmerized reader into new and different realms and races that enchant, transfix, charm and enrage. Like its predecessor, Kingfall, the tale comes alive through world-building on an unrivaled scale, including exquisitely details maps to explore, appendices bursting with tantalizing particulars that include games, methods for measurement, a history of powerful organizations, and a system of magic unlike anything previously depicted in the fantasy genre.

When I say you will be swept away by Spellblade, I don’t just mean you will be utterly captivated by each page in this lush, expansive 500+ page journey into intrigue, dichotomy, enigma and magic. What I’m saying is, you will never want to leave. You will lose yourself in the masterfully related narrative; the characters that speak to you, insult you, tantalize and torment you; the landscapes that draw you in and leave you gazing around in awe and wonder; and the subtleties of lore so beguiling you cannot imagine they aren’t absolutely true.

The Neverborne Series is fantasy on a scale you will revel in and revisit again and again and again for a lifetime.

Ezekiel Eversand was born in Southeast Texas, where he again resides in the Houston area after the global pandemic fatefully brought him back home from his exploits in Las Vegas, where he first published Kingfall, Book One of the Neverborne Series. He is happily married to his beautiful wife, Stephanie, his biggest supporter and best friend. Telling stories and creating worlds has been a prime interest of his since he was a child, always being an avid lover of the fantasy and science fiction genres. Telling the saga of the Neverborne Series and sharing the world of Penthara are his greatest passions in life.

Find Ezekiel in these places:


 Instagram: @author_ezekieleversand



Read my interview with Ezekiel 


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